Pre-Prep School Life

School days in Pre-Prep are filled with laughter, learning, and a wealth of new experiences.

Pre-Prep nurtures children from Reception to Year 2

In the Pre-Prep each day is a day for discovery as children embrace new friendships, challenges and knowledge. From play-centred activities designed to ignite creativity to engaging lessons that foster curiosity, every day in the Pre-Prep is filled with a wealth of new experiences.

We offer an exciting and
varied Pre-Prep curriculum

Our rigorous approach to learning ensures that children build firm foundations in English and maths, with careful monitoring enabling us to provide support or challenge for every child to ensure that they achieve their very best.

Our thematic approach to learning immerses children in meaningful activities, taught by inspirational teachers, increasing your child’s motivation to succeed. The skills children learn through collaborating with their peers on exciting projects, skills like problem-solving, communication and collaboration offer children so much more than knowledge on its own.

Specialist teaching in the arts, swimming, sport and Forest School gives every child the opportunity to shine and builds confidence, resilience, and the courage to embrace new experiences. The personal attributes developed through this breadth of opportunity, including aspiration, resilience, creativity and empathy are what make our Pre-Prep experience so special.

Pre-Prep pupils at school sitting around a table learning.

Children enjoy a diverse
co-curricular offering

Pocklington Pre-Prep offers a vast array of co-curricular activities to give pupils a chance to try new skills and enjoy new experiences with teachers and friends.

Children enjoy daily clubs and activities, with everything from gardening, ocarina, football and pop songbirds, to chess and yoga to choose from. With long lunchtimes to relish new activities every day of the week, and a plethora of instrumental lessons to choose from, children become used to organising their time and broadening their horizons, from their very first days in school.