A place at our Prep School guarantees a stress-free tranistion to Senior School
Moving up to
Senior School
Most of our Prep School pupils continue to our Senior School, offering them a huge number of advantages. Pupils who have studied with us will be familiar with the routine of the School and will have developed relationships with Senior School staff. These relationships, and the easy communication between Prep and Senior School, means that we can continue to cater to the individual needs of our pupils and provide the utmost care for their personal and academic wellbeing.
Pupils who are progressing from Year 6 to Senior School do not have to take an additional entrance assessment unless they are applying for a scholarship. This ensures that there are no unnecessary stresses and the transition to Senior School is a smooth and calming step for both parents and pupils.
Whilst pupils will have familiarity with some of the Senior School facilities, there is a lot of excitement in joining the thriving and buzzing atmosphere of the Senior School. Pupils will explore new places, experience the advanced academic and sporting offering for older pupils and meet new friends as the year group expands into Year 7. The combination of excitement and comfort means that the transition into Senior School is a wholly enjoyable experience for our Prep School pupils.
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