All pupils at Pocklington are encouraged to take part in sports and we provide a supportive and safe environment for them to do so.
Sport is a central part of life at Pocklington Senior School
Sport and physical exercise play important roles in developing the all-round strengths that define a Pocklingtonian. From games lessons to our wide range of competitive fixtures, we strive to nurture every pupil’s interest, enthusiasm, and performance in sport, including those aiming for international success.
Our sports department is ably led by former Yorkshire County Cricket Captain David Byas and his team of specialist coaches. Engaging in sports is a fundamental part of Senior School life, which offers pupils the chance to develop every part of their character, build self-confidence, stay fit and enjoy time with their friends.
Pocklington pupils are taught by a variety of specialist coaching staff, who have coached and played at the highest representative levels in a range of sports. Sports staff have a great relationship with pupils and are experienced at pushing them to achieve their potential.
Pupils are also privileged to access our first class, extensive sports facilities, such as 21 acres of grass sports fields, two full size hockey pitches convertible to 18 tennis courts, a heated indoor swimming pool and more.
Games lessons are a chance for all pupils to find and grow their love of sport
Regular games lessons are the perfect chance for pupils to reap the benefits of physical exercise, spend time with their peers and advance their team working skills. For the overwhelming majority of pupils who represent the School in competitive sports fixtures, it also offers them the chance to refine their sporting skills and prepare for competitive events.
In Senior School pupils are taught to play the traditional sports - rugby, hockey, cricket, athletics and tennis for boys and hockey, netball, tennis, athletics and rounders for girls. We also offer tuition in a wide range of other sports during lunchtime clubs and in lesson time, so all pupils have a chance to find and fulfil their sporting passions.
Pupils also have a chance to develop their love for sport inside the classroom, as we offer GCSE, BTEC, and A level sport, which gives pupils the chance to channel their love for sport into academic success.
All pupils have the chance to compete on behalf of School
Pupils are provided a comprehensive fixtures list across all the major sports, for all three terms and for all year groups. Pupils compete in inter-house competitions, against local schools and at regional and national competitions, allowing them to hone their sporting skills in friendly and competitive environments.
Additionally, pupils are supported through external competitions in other sports such as clay pigeon shooting, equestrian, skiing, and trampolining. The successful School equestrian team competes regularly in NSEA competitions. We also compete in the Kingston League and National Schools competitions in trampolining.
As well as being expertly supported by their specialist sports coaches, pupils are given access to specially designed injury prevention warm-ups, sport specific pre-season training plans, nutritional advice and, upon reaching 16, can access the School’s athletic development suite.
Strength and Conditioning programme
As part of their pathway to elite sport, the School’s most promising pupils will be selected for our Strength and Conditioning Programme which looks to support talented individuals across a range of sports.
These pupils attend coaching sessions designed to enhance their coordination, strength, speed, power, endurance and flexibility, in order to improve their performances and prevent injuries. The programme is also supported by state of the art equipment such as GPS, a force plate and speed gate. The intentional monitoring that this programme provides, also ensures that pupils competing in high-end sport are supported to balance their academic and sporting pursuits.
Here's what our pupils say


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