Sixth Form Sport

Sport at Pocklington Sixth Form is considered a vital aspect of a student’s growth.

Sport plays a significant part of life at Pocklington Sixth Form

Sport and physical exercise play important roles in developing the all-round strengths that define a Pocklingtonian. Students of all ability levels reap the benefits of an active lifestyle. From games lessons to our wide range of competitive fixtures, we strive to nurture every student's interest, enthusiasm, and performance in sport, including those aiming for international success.  

Engaging in sports is a fundamental part of Sixth Form life and embodies traits such as self-respect, confidence, team awareness and physical and mental wellbeing, as well as offering students the chance to enjoy time with their friends.

Our sports department is ably led by former Yorkshire County Cricket Captain David Byas and his team of specialist coaches, who have taught and played at the highest representative levels in a range of sports. Sports staff have a great relationship with students and are experienced at pushing them to achieve their potential.

Specialist Sports Staff

Students are also privileged to access our first class, extensive sports facilities, such as 21 acres of grass sports fields, two full size hockey pitches convertible to 18 tennis courts, a heated indoor swimming pool and more.

Games lessons are a chance for all students to find and grow their love of sport

Every week, we allocate an entire afternoon to sporting pursuits. This enables our students to refine their abilities with expert coaching or explore new sporting activities. Sixth Form students are encouraged to continue to support the mainstream sports of each term, which are rugby, hockey, cricket, athletics and tennis for boys and hockey, netball, tennis, athletics and rounders for girls. This allows Pocklington School to uphold an extensive mid-week and Saturday fixture list that we have in each respective sport.

To view current sports fixtures and results please click the link below to visit the website.

Pocklington School Sports Website

For those students not involoved in the mainstream sports of the respective terms, we offer tuition in a wide range of alternative sports such as badminton, golf, horse riding, personal fitness, yoga, climbing and swimming, so all students have a chance to find and fulfil their sporting passions.

We also offer A level and BTEC sport, which gives students the chance to channel their love for sport into academic success.

Strength and Conditioning programme

As part of their pathway to elite sport, the School’s most promising students will be selected for our Strength and Conditioning Programme which looks to support talented individuals across a range of sports.

These students attend coaching sessions designed to enhance their co-ordination, strength, speed, power, endurance and flexibility to improve their performances and prevent injuries. The programme is also supported by state of the art equipment such as GPS united, a force plate and speed gate. The intentional monitoring that this programme provides, also ensures that students competing in high-end sport are supported to balance their academic and sporting pursuits.

Our Sports Scholars programme nurtures and supports people of the future

Our Sports Scholars programme is  led by our Director of Sport David Byas and entitles the recipient to a huge number of benefits. The programme is available for students  making application to enter into Sixth Form in Year 12. 

To find out more, click the link below.

Sports Scholars Programme

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