Fee Assistance

Supporting talented children to attend Pocklington School is central to our mission and ethos.  Pocklington has a long tradition of providing bursarial/financial support to families with limited means. Our aim is for pupils to benefit for years to come from all the opportunities that Pocklington has to offer, no matter what their background or financial means.

Fee Assistance 

Fee assistance is allocated on a means-tested basis.

A number of bursaries are available to external or internal candidates and may be awarded in the form of a discount of up to 100% of the day fees payable depending on the financial, compassionate or other pertinent circumstances of applicants.

Applications will be considered from any young person who meets our entry requirements and who is likely to benefit from the opportunities presented by Pocklington School. Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate artistic, sporting or musical ability to enhance the quality of their applications.

Potential applicants for bursaries are encouraged to contact our Admissions Officer or email.


Fee assistance booklet          


Fee assistance timeline 

Pocklington School statue of William Wilberforce